• This week’s reading talks about the difference between analog photograph and the digital photograph. They talked about the history of photograph and how it showed that in old days they used only analog photography which has more reality in it.
  • Marshall McLuhan described the impact of new media with an expression as “”The medium is the message.”
  • Analog photograph is the old way, where light produced a chemical response with the silver that was contained in the film creating an image.
  • Analog photography is always used in film making rather than anything else.
  • Analog photography is photography that uses a gradually changing recording medium, which may be either chemical process based or electronic.
  • Digital transforms photos from objects into data.
  • Digital photography is based on mainly codes and is not a reflection of reality.
  • Digital photography accelerates or enlarges traditional photographic processes.
  • All photographs show a different point of view from different people and different perspectives.
  • Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin use the term “remediation” to define how features of older media are used to create the cultural uses of newer media.
  • In my perspective, at the end both analog and digital photography are the same since analog could still not be that real if the photographer changed the viewpoint of the picture.